Home Lifestyle Social Media Thoughts

Social Media Thoughts

by Elle
Social Media Thoughts

Whether you love social media or hate it, you can’t escape it. Most wouldn’t want to, but most also don’t understand the full impact of social media on society. I’m certainly not claiming to, but I think about it and I think about where social media could lead us. What life will people be living in a hundred years? What will people value? How much of their lives will be real? It’s important to at least consider the social implications of ‘social’ media.

Positives of social media

Social media connects me to the world. I’m able to better understand cultures and people from different backgrounds, and grasp how I fit into the world. I’m able to create an online presence sharing what I love and part of who I am. To promote my writing I need to share my work. Social media has made this affordable and therefore possible. After all, if you’re reading this you’ve found my blog!

I won’t go into the positives of social media much, although I do think there are many. We can communicate, share opinions, help people, connect people, bring awareness to issues, help small businesses and start-ups, earn an income, promote creatives, etc. I do think about the potential and positives as much as the risks and negatives, but I believe the positives are much more acknowledged. The positives are exciting, and inspire innovation. The negatives are concerning, so I think about them and what they could do.

Negatives of social media

As I mentioned, social media has helped me and I’ve had positive experiences with it, but I’m also very aware of its dangers. It’s easier to contact people, enabling predatory behaviour and hurtful communication. People present themselves falsely. Even something as seemingly innocent as someone presenting themselves as perfect can be dangerous. Influencers need to be careful they’re not sending the message: ‘You must be like this or you’re living wrong’.

Social media impacts what society values. It advertises the shiny facade of instagram – the models and influencers. Narcissism is promoted and something many aspire to without even realising. We receive mixed messages of what’s good and what’s bad, what we should be doing and what we shouldn’t, and what we should and shouldn’t be judged for.

People have greater freedom to voice their opinions on matters they are ill informed about or don’t concern them. Society is putting more value on the reactions of people, rather than their actions. They do good things for the publicity, rather than the act itself. They promote unethical products for money, and promote a lifestyle that very few can afford.

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Potential of social media

Social media itself – the technology and various applications – has incredible potential to better the world and connect people. It’s the way we have come to use this technology that needs re-evaluating. We shouldn’t let social media determine who we are or who we want to become. This becomes increasingly difficult when social media is an alternate life that pervades all parts of society. That’s why we need to support people, educate them, and publicise the potential of social media to improve lives, as well as destroy them.

Knowledge of social media

People must be educated about social media – the good and the bad. It’s everywhere and is likely to become more prevalent. I certainly don’t see technology disappearing any time soon. And honestly, I wouldn’t want it to. But the social implications of social media should be taught alongside the technological side of how social media works. Then we can be more aware of the impact it plays upon our lives. Then we can be more aware of how we use it.

Please share your opinions in the comments. I’d love to know what you think about my post and social media! Or have a read of my post about Bookstagram thoughts.

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