Home Lifestyle Hobbiton Trip

Hobbiton Trip

by Elle
Hobbiton Trip

I visited Hobbiton this month. I’ve been before, but I had the opportunity to go again and had to take it. I’ve absolutely adored both visits. The only thing I would change is the time limit you get to spend there. I would spend an entire day there. I would sleep overnight in a Hobbit Hole if I could. Preferably Bilbos. He has a good view.

New Zealand

I did so much on my visit to New Zealand. I even went skydiving, which is an experience I’m not likely to forget anytime soon… or stop mentioning when people ask me how my holiday was. But Hobbiton is more related to my bookish blog and I have so many Hobbiton photos I’m proud of and want to post. If you haven’t heard of Hobbiton, firstly; I’m astonished and speechless, but secondly; go check out their website and go see it if you’re in NZ. I can guarantee you will love it. My family loved it and some hadn’t even seen Lord of the Rings.

Day Trip

I was staying in Auckland when I decided to go to Hobbiton, but there are so many day trips you can book so all you need to do is get to the bus and they’ll take you straight there. They even buy your ticket for you! You need to pay, of course, but you don’t have to line up. I ended up buying a coffee in a cute Hobbiton cup while I waited.

Hobbiton Photos

When I was following my tour group around the Shire site, I have to admit I spent too long taking photos. If you’ve been, I’m sure you understand. I did fall behind though. I missed some of what my tour guide was saying, but I’ve probably read it on the internet somewhere anyway. I’m now a pro selfie taker (just kidding, but I definitely got some practice). I also took photos of strangers (for them), had strangers take photos of me (for me), and was asked by strangers if they could take a photo of me (weird but probably harmless… right?).

Green Dragon

I spent a fantastic fantastical morning learning how to properly use my new phone camera. I practically sculled my cider at the Green Dragon so I could keep taking photos and exploring. The gift shop was my last stop, which had moved from my last visit (wizard magic). I got a poster and a replica of Kili’s rune stone. I could not have been happier. My tour guide was incredibly kind and polite, but I think I was hanging around too long so I finally boarded the bus back to Auckland.

I already want to go back again.

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