Home Writing So Many Rewrites I’ve Lost Count

So Many Rewrites I’ve Lost Count

by Elle
So Many Rewrites I've Lost Count

It’s that stage of the creative process again – when I learn so much about writing that I don’t feel like I can continue editing my novel until I’ve done a rewrite. Whoop-de-doo. Why do I do this to myself? Why do I love doing this to myself?

What counts as a new draft?

My novel has been through so many rewrites that I’ve lost count of what draft I’m up to. It doesn’t help that the writing process is never linear (at least for me) so bits and pieces are moved around or edited chapter by chapter. For all I know I’m still on draft #1 because there’s one sentence that still exists from the original.

It’s probably some form of self-inflicted pain that I enjoy rewriting. I think the main problem is that I never finish a rewrite. I start one… then I start another… and another. By now the start of my novel better be perfect. Cause that’s how it works, right? The more you rewrite the better it gets? Ha. I sure hope so.

How helpful are novel rewrites?

Some writers may think I’m being unproductive by rewriting the start of my novel but I find that it organises my thoughts. Especially if I haven’t worked on it for a while and some of the smaller details are starting to slip by me. Novel rewrites help me get out of writer’s block too.

I’m aware that I can’t keep rewriting forever but… that’s a problem I’m going to have to deal with at a later time. I have finished the novel, just not all the rewrites. But that doesn’t mean I’m not improving as I go – both my novel and my writing skills are always improving (I hope).

I can see the change happening. My characters are becoming more real, more alive. My setting is becoming ingrained in my mind. And my convoluted magic system is growing its roots.

Are you a fan of rewriting?

I’ve started a new job and have less time for rewriting at the moment. I’m thinking of trying to get some of my novel rewriting and planning during my lunch breaks. After work I’m usually too tired.

I’m curious to know what other writers think about rewriting. By now you’ve probably realised that I am a fan, but does rewriting help you?

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