Home Writing Writer’s Block

Writer’s Block

by Elle
Writer's Block

Writing is something I do because I enjoy it. If I get to a stage where I just don’t feel like writing, I stop and reevaluate my story. I do this because writer’s block for me comes from a lack of inspiration and excitement for my work. I actually think this helps my writing, because if you’re not excited about what you’re working on, how are you going to convince others to be?

Before I go any further, let me first state this disclaimer: writer’s block is different for everyone. Some people keep writing through writer’s block, even if they have to force words out and onto the page, and that’s ok. But if you’re someone who gets writer’s block from trying to force your writing – like I do – then sitting at a desk writing away probably isn’t going to help. I might end up with another 5,000 words at the end of the day, but they’re probably not 5,000 words I’m going to want to read over, or edit… or use at all.

I’ve been struggling with writer’s block lately because I love working in the world of my recently completed novel. I want to write the second book, and I’m excited to, but I keep stopping myself from doing so because I don’t have a publisher and publishing my book has become my goal. I don’t even have an agent, so who’s to say I’ll ever get my book published? If no one is going to read the first book in a series, you shouldn’t write the second one, right?

I’ve tried working on another project. I love the plot and fantasy elements of this project too, but I still can’t completely devote myself to it because at the back of my mind lingers the previous project.

So here’s the thing: I think writer’s block is telling you that you need to take a step back from whatever you’re working on and find inspiration for your writing or story again. Maybe that means you’ll go back to the same project afterwards (sometimes it helps to reevaluate exactly where a story is going). Maybe it means you’ll put that project aside for now. Maybe you just need a break because you’ve been stressing over writer’s block too much.

It doesn’t mean quit writing altogether – don’t lose confidence in yourself because of writer’s block! Never doubt you can get rid of writer’s block!

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