Home Reading iBooks and eBooks

iBooks and eBooks

by Elle McFadzean
iBooks and eBooks

If I had unlimited bag space and the strongest bag to exist, I would take books with me everywhere I go. But I don’t, because I would rather not injure my shoulder or back. That’s why iBooks and eBooks exist though!

Screen size for iBooks and eBooks

I recently upgraded my phone to a bigger screen – purely so I can read easier on it – and it has changed my life. I’ve not got books stored and ready to read whenever and wherever. It’s brilliant!

Reading digital books

How did it take me so long to catch on to digital books? I don’t know. I love hard copy books because I know how much effort goes into their production and printing, plus they smell nice and I can surround myself with them and full my room with them. But digital books are so much more convenient!

Fair to say I will be reading a lot more this year! Bring on my Goodreads 2020 Reading Challenge!

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