Home Writing The Language of Sci-Fi

The Language of Sci-Fi

by Elle
The Language of Sci-Fi

I like writing the unreal, but I also like writing the real with unreal possibility. Sci-fi is fascinating because of the possible scenarios based on real world logic. There are many scientific terms that frequent science fiction, and some that even started in science fiction. Then there are terms that only exist in science fiction but have been used so frequently they’ve earned their own definition in the dictionary. I was curious to research science fiction terms to see how many I already knew and whether any had evaded my notice.


Space travel. Flight through stars.

Star lifting

Removing a portion of a star’s matter to be repurposed.


The process of genetically modifying humans to be able to live in different atmospheric conditions and environments.

Twin paradox

Identical twins that have been separated by time or space and no longer appear identical. For example, one has aged while the other hasn’t.


Humans who change their bodies using mechanical parts or chemicals.


A fuel source in space involving retrieving space matter.

Warp speed

Travelling faster than the speed of light.

Time dilation

Compressed time while travelling at the speed of light.

Time loop

A situation where time repeats itself and the future can’t be accessed. This is usually represented as a character waking up on the same day over and over again. Also called temporal loops.


Allows instant communication across vast distances.

Time travel

Travelling back or forward in time. Time travel specifics vary. They include but are not limited to: alternative time streams, changing the future, prohibiting change, mind travel, location travel, fast ageing, slow ageing, observing the past etc.


An induced coma, usually during space travel so travellers can wake at destination arrival. Also called cryostasis.


Freezing human bodies or body parts to preserve them. This is usually used on live humans until the year they want to be released, or to allow sick people to freeze their body and sickness until the technology is invented to help them recover.


A hyper-dimensional (four-dimensions or more) space that folds so places that are usually light-years away are suddenly next to each other. Travellers need to find a way into and out of the hyperspace. Usually comes with an explanation involving folded paper. Could also be called wormholes, warpdrive or slipstream.

Generation ships

A space voyage that takes so long the future generations are the ones who arrive where the ship was going. Or, a ship where everyone is frozen until they reach their destination. Sometimes they forget their origin or why they were on the ship in the first place.


Artificial intelligence. For when robots or androids have taken over the world and advanced enough to have their own process of thought.

Uploaded consciousness

Transferring a mind or consciousness into another, or into another being such as a robot.


An advanced technology that manipulates matter on an atomic, molecular and supramolecular level. Nanotechnology is used for organic chemistry, molecular biology, molecular engineering, etc. In science fiction nanotechnology can be used to invent strong materials or heal usually fatal injuries.

Parallel world

A similar world to the original, but with particular differences. Perhaps all the characters are the same but the setting is completely different, or someone alive in the original world is dead, or a different governing body is ruling. Parallel worlds are also known as alternate universes (although grammatically they should be called alternative universes).


Similar to a parallel world or alternative universe, except there are multiple alternative universes. Sometimes there are countless universes, with only one slight change between them.


An exact copy (at least physically) of a character.


Genetically modified humans or creatures. A genetic mutation.


An undesirable or frightening society or world.


The end of the world, or a catastrophic event. Also known as doomsday. The zombie apocalypse is common in various media, as is the alien apocalypse, and World War III apocalypse.


Sentient objects that should not be sentient. This could be anything from household objects speaking back, or spaceships taking control over their passengers.


An online or hallucinated space with knowledge from combined minds or computers.

Force field

A shield that reveals itself as a force. It acts as a brick wall would (although stronger) but is transparent or translucent. A force field is often backed up by a precariously running generator.


A group who can communicate between each other seamlessly. A hive mind means people can share knowledge quickly, or loose a sense of self to the hive.


A species humans evolve into.


The ability to speak to someone in their mind. Also known as telesthesia or thought transference.


The ability to move location over vast distances in a moment.


The ability to mentally move objects.


Modifying the atmosphere of a planet or moon to make it more habitable.


A virtual or artificial reality. A simulation is usually entered by consuming a pill or being injected with a drug.


From out of this world, beyond Earth.


The study of history and current times to predict the future. A combination of history, sociology and mathematical statistics is used to predict future events.

Sci-fi definitions

I probably should have ordered these alphabetically.

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