This post summarises my Goodreads 2021 reading challenge, as I did for my Goodreads 2020 reading challenge last year. Does that make this post a tradition? Possibly. Probably. I like doing it because I’m able to share my favourite books of the year, and there have been a lot of books… 100, to be exact.
I think the 100-books thing might become a tradition too. Both this year and last year I set my goal to 50 books and ended up doubling it. I don’t know how it happened! Oh wait… it was probably all the audiobooks and picture books I read – yeah, that was probably it.
My favourite 2021 reads
I adored Lady Helen and the Dark Days Club by Alison Goodman. I am in love with Lord Carlston. Who am I kidding – I am in love with the entire series. I sped through all three books. Why can’t there be more?! I already read the novella too, sadly.
How We Love: Notes on a Life by Clementine Ford was brilliant, as all of her books are.
Boyfriend Material by Alexis Hall had me obsessed. A romance needs good characters, and this book had them.
What Happened To You? by Bruce D Perry and Oprah Winfrey – I can’t actually remember why I loved this book but I remember absolutely loving it, which gives it a spot in my favourites. Plus I gave it 5 stars so yeah. Might need to be a re-read.
Don’t You Forget About Me by Mhairi McFarlane was so much fun. Was I a bit too invested in the romance? Yes, yes I was. But this will absolutely be a re-read.
All the books I read in 2021
A complete image-list of the books I read in 2021 is shown below. I don’t know how to get a text-list from Goodreads. Is there a way?
Some of the noteworthy titles are:
- The Genius of Birds by Jennifer Ackerman (because I love birds – they’re so feathery and smart).
- The State of Affairs: Rethinking Infidelity by Esther Perel (I will devour anything she writes).
- Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss (this was a uni read and deserves a mention because it was so well-written).
- Kingdom of Ash by Sarah J Maas (simply because it was so incredibly long and I need an achievement award for finishing it).
- Plantopedia by Lauren Camilleri and Sophia Kaplan (plus all my plant books… because I got really into that hobby).
- Hydroponics for Everyone by Struan K Sutherland (another plant book that deserves a mention).