Home Reading Libraries Are the Greatest

Libraries Are the Greatest

by Elle McFadzean
Libraries Are the Greatest

One time I borrowed over 30 books from two libraries (at the same time). They were all non-fiction, so I could learn about the skill of writing, how to start a business, create a blog, and produce enamel pins. A lot can be learnt online, but I value books because they’re curated for you.

With books, I don’t need to go through 10 websites hoping I’ll come across something valuable. Nor will I encounter any ads. Instead, I can simply check the title, read the blurb, scan some of the pages, and know whether I’ll be able to find some helpful information inside.

I must admit… I adore my own collection of books. Probably too much. They’re lovely and pristine, while library books are worn and pre-loved. But library books are free, and if you’re wanting to learn a new skill they’re the best place to start.

But libraries don’t just exist to save us money. They support our community.

Why are libraries great?

  • Allow equal access to everyone
  • Public space anyone can use
  • Encourage social inclusion
  • Enable learning and development
  • Share information and resources
  • Support reading for pleasure
  • Engagement with arts and culture
  • Teach technology skills
  • Promote Australian creators
  • Point of contact for community
  • Quiet study space
  • Promote social sustainability goals

Australian public libraries

In Australia, we’re incredibly lucky to have public libraries. Like I mentioned, we get to read books for free! And learn for free! It’s brilliant.

And not only that. We have two Australian Government programs that allow authors and publishers to get paid when we borrow their books. So just in case you were worrying that you didn’t support an author because you borrowed their book instead of buying it… don’t worry, you did.

Australian lending right schemes (ELR/PLR)

  • Public Lending Right (PLR)
  • Educational Lending Right (ELR)

“Public Lending Right (PLR) and Educational Lending Right (ELR) are Australian Government programs that compensate Australian creators and publishers in recognition of income lost through free multiple use of their books in public and educational lending libraries. These programs support the enrichment of Australian culture by encouraging the growth and development of Australian writing.”


Library visits

What has been your best library experience? Have you visited any stunning libraries? I always dreamed of having a library like Belle’s from The Beauty and the Beast in my home. I’m not there yet, but I suppose I’ll settle for visiting libraries reminiscent of Belle’s.

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